Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ullja Kuntze Plans to Teach Plaintiffs a Lesson

Whatever could Ullja Kuntze mean? Are her words (posted below) a veiled threat? She posted them on her blog the day before the Plaintiffs publicly announced their withdrawal from the defamation case against Ullja Kuntze. The next day Ullja made the same allusion to the "54 plaintiffs dismissed ASAP their very own lawsuit against the owner of this blog" on the "fraud blog".

Looks like it's official. Ullja Kuntze is the so-called "Concerned Citizen" publishing the website. Apparently Ullja Kuntze doesn't feel a need to hide behind the "Concerned Citizen" persona any more since the Plaintiffs decided, for reasons they made very clear, to drop the case. Continuing to hide would be particularly silly anyway, given that Harris County has copies of the dozens of IRS tax evasion reports Ullja Kuntze made against the Plaintiffs and others, as well as her admission that she owns the the blog.

The Plaintiffs decision had nothing to do with Ullja Kuntze's guilt, which is established in the documents in the Harris County public records. It had everything to do with feeling that Ullja Kuntze is a waste of money, now that her admission is on record, and choosing not to continue the lawsuit once that goal was reached. The donations of hundreds of artisans made it possible, but enough is enough. Her guilt is on record. She defamed her competition and those who spoke out against her for committing fraud. The Plaintiffs are moving on.

Still, I really can't wait to see what the "special lesson" she has planned for the Plaintiffs might be. More defamatory vitriol? If so, she's right, it should be entertaining (hey Ullja, remember when you said "Google is forever?" You were so right.)

Anyway, here's her "warning" or whatever she thinks it is from her personal blog:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ullja's, Go Green and learn to recycle

Today it was all about recycling and learning how to dispose your garbage the correct way. Ullja's has been involved with 54 enthusiasts for some time and the efforts of making them learn how to dispose properly has paid off today! Great job guys..sending hugs and kisses to all of you.

Next, I have a very special lesson planned specifically for this group, so stay tuned...ALL the details will be posted very soon and its truely going to be very entertaining for ALL to see;-)...including recipes, photos, copies of handouts from the lesson etc.

Have a peaceful and a very Happy Thursday nite.


  1. Her "warnings" make her sound mentally unstable. The truth is that we, the plaintiffs, didn't want to spend any more of our hard-earned money (and the money of generous donors) fighting her. The lawsuit was getting ridiculously expensive. She admitted her guilt - that was enough for us. I know I personally have proof that I have always been legal - taxes and all. She has a vendetta fueled by the desire for revenge. We've decided to move on with our lives and ignore her tedious little existence.

  2. She really is a piece of work. She went through 3 different lawyers to find one that was willing to take her endless amounts of money and do things that are in violation of court orders.

    Really, what use was it to spend anyone else's HARD EARNED money to continue fighting this useless irritation in court? We know the TRUTH. :D
